Winning the Battle Within

Called “One of the best books ever written on the mental approach to golf and sports performance,” by Bill Walsh, NFL Hall of Fame coach, this book shows you how to gain confidence, mental toughness and the ability to perform under pressure.
Written by sports psychologist, Dr. Glen Albaugh, and journalist and former golf professional, Michael Bowker, this is a wonderful journey into the mysteries of the inner game.
Although the lessons and insights shared in these pages have applications to all parts of life, they are ultimately directed at sports, especially golf. The book takes you on an enjoyable adventure, filled with stories from Winning the Battle Within enthusiasts like Pete Carroll, coach of the Seattle Seahawks, Scott McCarron, a potential hall of fame player on the Champion’s Tour, Michael Murphy, author of Golf in the Kingdom and more than a dozen professionals on the PGA Tour. It is a book that will help you learn to trust yourself, and move into the winner’s circle of life.
Dr. Glen Albaugh

Dr. Glen Albaugh consults with dozens of touring golfers and hundreds of amateur players worldwide. He earned a Ph.D. in applied sports psychology from the University of Utah and taught sports psychology at the University of Pacific for 28 years. He conducts frequent workshops for golfers and athletes.