
Our New
Editing Services!
We are excited to announce our newest award-winning service.
A wonderfully talented team of editors has just joined the Sixty Degrees Publishing team. They come with the highest pedigrees, having edited best-selling non-fiction books and award-winning novels. They also come at an affordable price.
The coolest thing about this is you will not only have some of the best editors working for you, your book will have a clear pathway to publication. Even if all you have right now is an idea for a book, we will work with you to develop it, write it, and get it ready for publication. When we all agree it is ready to be enjoyed by readers all over the world, we’ll take it through production for you, including giving it a beautiful and powerful cover. We’ll create a fun and effective book launch and then distribute it on Amazon and in all available book stores, such as Barnes and Noble.
Although these are often combined and defined in different ways, we like to talk about content editing and line editing. Content editing includes everything from providing consultation on how to turn your idea into a book, to helping make sure your characters are exactly who you want them to be, and plot structures and pace. Line editing is more traditional editing, combing the manuscript for spelling and grammar corrections and an occasional word choice suggestion.
We offer both types of editing. Our team is talented, fun and fast.
Congratulations for taking on one of the best challenges in the world, writing a good book.
Please let us know how we can help.
Enter Here to Inquire about Editing Services
From start to finish, we’ll be there with friendly and professional help, all at a great price. Few publishing companies can match the quality of our work or the premium royalties we pay our authors. Good editing is often the difference between a book and a good book, which Mark Twain once said is like the difference between a lightning bug and a lightning bolt.
Sometimes writers are wary of editors they don’t know, fearing they might try to change the writer’s style or even the substance of the book. All of our editors are also writers, so they know the importance of respecting an author’s style and vision. We know books are often extensions of the writer’s heart and soul and we feel honored to be part of that effort. We will share with you what we think, and then fully support your final decisions.